Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Week's Worth

Today I am grateful for an awesome long weekend.

I've been fighting off some baby/cold weather/daily grind blues lately, and it was just what I needed.

Saturday morning the boys and I got to watch Ed do a triathlon. He did great! Second place in his age group, fourth place for the men, and fifth place overall. We were so proud! His brother raced, too, and did awesome! Later that day we went to a family birthday party, and topped the night off with a BYU win. It was a good day at the P. household.

I'm thankful for an ambitious and fit husband and for family.
Church was particularly uplifting on Sunday, there was a great turnout for choir, and we had delicious stew with our upstairs neighbor-friends.

I'm thankful for the Gospel, people who sustain me in my calling, good food that I don't have to prepare, and friends.
Monday the Mr. took a day off work and we all played. It was wonderful. He let me sleep in, and we had omelets for breakfast. We took the Bug to a little kid center called Jungle Jim's with a playground and a bunch of rides. It was great because 1. He could ride the rides as often as he wanted. 2. Parents were free, and they let us ride all the rides with him. 3. The employees were super nice and accommodating. 4. It was fun to let him dictate his own activities for once. I feel like I'm always telling him what not to do, and cutting off his play time. There weren't even any screaming fits when we had to leave.

"Momma, you ride Maximus"

"I gonna get you"

It was nice to fall in love with my kid again. Does that sound weird? Some days I forget to slow down and enjoy him, and he is such a fun, sweet, amazing little person.

I'm grateful for rest and relaxation, a happy Bug, cheap, family-friendly entertainment, and especially for a husband who is considerate and mindful of my needs.

Happy living!


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