Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Letter to the Kizz

Dear Kizzle,

I'm sorry that I am so lame and tried to pass a garbage can off as a dog house.

It seemed like a great idea at the time. But you hate it and would rather be pelted by marble-sized balls of hail than submit yourself to it's oscary depths.

I have since repented of my ways, and we are working on making you a house fit for a Kizz.

The Mr. has spent plenty of his precious precious time hard at work, so I suggest you thank him. He takes gratitude in the form of a 5' personal bubble.

Much appreciated,



  1. That's so funny! I hope she likes the new home...

  2. rofl a garbage can?! you have alot of work before you are ranch worthy... ;)

  3. AWESOME!! I love the 5' bubble part. So funny!

  4. Alex, garbage-can doghouse is SO ranch worthy! You ever been out there? More often than not the watering trough is an old bathtub. Oh no, I am well on my way...
