Friday, October 29, 2010

What Matters Most

I was talking with a friend this morning about life and all the goings on these days. As I hemmed and hawed about decisions and my lack of patience and what I want but can't find, she brought me back to reality.

I was reminded by our conversation that so much of what I am currently worried about ultimately has so little to do with lasting happiness. And so, though a day late, today I am thankful for the things that matter most. I'm thankful for the Mr. and the Bug, and for the knowledge that we can be together forever. I'm thankful that I have the ability to make any house a home. I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who is keenly aware of me personally.
I have been selfish and short-sighted. I have so many blessings that it feels wrong when I know so many who are going through difficult times and intense hardships. I live a wonderful life.

My little kitchen helper



  1. You are the best! Even when you have rough days, you always come back to counting your blessings and realizing what is most important. I love you. The pictures of The Bug are darling!

  2. This is a lesson we have to learn over and over again through life. I still have to remind myself of this too.

  3. this last pic is so BRIAN. oh no. im having visions of my future cute but crazy kids.
