Monday, May 16, 2011

So So Much

I have been feeling so overwhelmingly blessed lately. In every aspect of our lives, we have so much.

I look at my little boy every day and wonder how I can preserve the love that I feel for him. He brings a happiness and a wholeness into my life that heals me. I can't believe how compliant he has been lately. Any time I ask him to do something (well, usually I'm asking him to stop doing something), he replies with an enthusiastic and resounding "O-kay!"

We are surrounded by people who are so eager to help and to serve. The other morning my upstairs neighbor asked if the Bug could come play, right when I thought I was going to die from lack of energy. I slept for two hours. It was such a blessing! Literally an answer to prayer.

I have felt so good during this pregnancy. I know many people who have a really hard time when they are pregnant. With all the complications I could have had, to date, both the baby and I are doing fantastic.

Among other things, I am also grateful for:

Tickling. I know that sounds funny, and maybe even a little off. But seriously, how great is it that we are ticklish? I can get an instant giggle from the Bug almost anytime by catching him in just the right spot. That's one of those things that God didn't have to give us, but he did. Like flowers. And rainbows. And about a zillion other things.

Singing. So grateful for singing. Those Gregorian monks had no idea what a trend they were starting.

The sun. I can't believe how much the sunshine lifts my spirits and brings happiness and optimism into my life. I have missed the sun.

Blessings poured out so abundantly on our family that there is hardly "room enough to receive" them.

**My apologies for the lack of pictures. The Bug looked so cute today in his little summer shorts. I meant to take a picture. It never happened.


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