Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Good Life

Today I am so thankful. There are so many things in life to be happy about. We are starting to get settled into our new house. There are less boxes every day, and it is slowly (slowly) turning into a home. Spring is coming. Conference is this weekend. Life is just good today. Here are some things I am grateful for right now:

Water aerobics!!! It is so nice to have an aquatic center within reasonable driving distance. I loved the low impact, awesome workout when I was carrying the Bug, and I'm so excited to have that option now for my last trimester.

My last trimester! Today marks 28 weeks, which, I think puts me officially in the third trimester. I feel great. Another thing to be thankful for.

Proximity. I know I've complained and boo-hood about living in the city, but as I drove down the street tonight I realized how convenient it will be to have access to so many things. Not that we ever eat out, but having 40 dining options within ten minutes compared to two, that's nice. Being closer to a temple--also nice. And nicest of all, we are a lot closer to a lot of family.

Nice people. Someone from our new ward called today to invite the Bug and I to a little kid's museum tomorrow morning. Maybe I will get to know some people after all! We also really like our landlords who live above us.

Little moments when you (I) realize that life really is good.

The Bug for keeping me on my toes.

The Mr. for keeping me positive. Calling our new apartment our 'palace' has been a gentle reminder.

The things I usually take for granted--warmth, shelter, clean water. Prayers to those in Japan.

The Gospel.

Be grateful!