Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I hate that being a woman makes me vulnerable.

Don't get me wrong; I love being a woman. But I do wish that some things were different.

This morning I was out walking with The Bug and I was stopped by an older gentleman. His teeth were yellowed and rotting and he kept smiling at me as he struck up a conversation. I tried several times to end the conversation and keep walking, but he would follow me and continue talking. I had an uncomfortable feeling about the situation, but I felt so mean just walking away from him. In the end I decided that he was most likely just a lonely man who wanted someone to talk to.

Do you see my predicament? I wanted to be able to stop and just listen to how he had polio as a child and all the food he can't eat now and the medicine he's taking...but there was a slight possibility that I could have been putting myself and my son in danger. A friendly conversation could very quickly have become very threatening.

I want to be able to assume that everyone has good intentions. I would love to be able to pull over when I see someone having car trouble, or pick up a hitch hiker, but it's just not safe. Where do I draw that line?

I'm grateful for the men who protect us and take care of us. I love it when The Mr. pulls over and helps someone in trouble when we're on the road, because I wish I could do that.



  1. Yes! I feel that way all the time. I wish there was a good way around it, short of becoming a black belt in karate or something.

  2. I agree. I was careful before I had kids, but now I'm 10 times more cautious. It doesn't help that you're so kind and cute that most people want to tell you their entire life story anyway, though.
