Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Every once in awhile my housekeeping gets away from me. Okay, let's be honest; most of the time. I realize that as the Mr. and I acquire more kids it will be harder and harder to keep up. I am always looking for ways to be more organized and simplify our lives.

In the meantime, there are days when my house looks like this:

and I don't have the time, energy, or motivation to clean up. That's when I resort to damage control. I learned this nifty tip from my neighbor: set the timer for 5 minutes, and focus on one room in the house. When the timer goes off, you move to the next room. Five minutes in each room keeps you from getting bogged down, and every part of the house gets at least a little attention. Often times I find that I still have some steam in me to go back through and give the messier rooms a little more attention. But, if not, I've done my job and can feel good about getting something accomplished.

Happy cleaning!



  1. That is SUCH a good idea... I get so distracted by every little thing when I clean, and it ends up looking like I haven't done anything at all. Gotta try that today. Thanks!

  2. Great idea! And good for you for not being afraid to show a mess. I'm always hoping people realize my house isn't ALWAYS messy if they stop in when it is...
