Thursday, June 3, 2010

Patience my Child

Remember that post a week ago about creating? I did not make a good day today.

I find it ironic that on the day I post about how much I love being a mother I have one of my hardest days in a long time. I was not a patient mommy or housewife today. I wanted to kill someone, but unfortunately there was no one to blame. It's a real eye opener to me. It scares me, honestly, to see how quick I am to snap.

I really admire those people who seem to be able to speak softly no matter the situation. Like my husband. I am not one of those people. I am really, truly trying to be, though. Maybe by the time I've been through six kids and they've all flown the coop I will have learned patience. I'll make a rockin' grandma. I can take care of all my grandkids while their parents go to therapy because their mom had no patience.

Seriously, I'm not okay with that. I hope I can learn with my kids, not at their expense. It does seem that some humbling is in order here. And some scripture reading. I have slacked off the last two days, and holy cow have those two days been rotten! Just another reminder that I don't amount to much without the Savior.



  1. Oh, I have had days where I've prayed that my kids would be resilient to their mother's responses. I totally hear you. I have always wanted to be a "perfect" mom in my own eyes, but who's perfect? All we can do is try again (and pray as hard as we can that our kids will forget...) I really laughed hard about your comment about watching the grandkids so their parents can go to therapy. :)

  2. I feel the same way. I am trying every day to learn patience, and I have a lot to learn and I have four kids! Sometimes I think it is harder and others it's easier because I have learned from previous kids. I just hope that my oldest kids turn out okay!!!!!
